How Does TVM Surgery Help?

Trans-vaginal mesh is familiar to women in various places of the world.   This medical device has been used by physicians to treat medical conditions associated with aging, mainly Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) and Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) by strengthening the vaginal wall and holding the pelvic organs in position, restoring the normal vaginal anatomy, and improving sexual function.  POP and SUI develop in older women, with no exception to race. The mostly affected are menopausal women, those who have a history of deliveries vaginally, and those who had their uterus removed. 
What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse? 
In Pelvic Organ Prolapse, the connective tissues stabilizing the walls of the vagina become less elastic and starts to soften. The primary factors that can damage the vaginal wall are old age, hysterectomy, and vaginal delivery.
There are different types of Pelvic Organ Prolapse, and the primary types are urethrocele, rectocele, and bladder and uterine prolapse. Bladder prolapse is the most usual.  This occurs when the bladder bulges out into the front wall of the vagina.  When it is the urethra that presses into the vaginal wall, it is called urethrocele. Rectocele is the projection of parts of the rectum into the back part of the vagina and uterine prolapse is when the uterus falls into the vagina. 
Stress Urinary Incontinence
If Stress Urinary Incontinence is not part of POP, then what is it? It is the uncontrollable passage of urine from the bladder on coughing and sneezing, or other abrupt activities.  It is commonly caused by the hyper-mobility of the urethra as a result of damaged or deteriorating pelvic muscles. 
Brief History of Trans-vaginal Mesh
Initially, surgical mesh was used for the repair of hernia in 1950. Twenty years after that, it was professionally used through the abdomen for the repair of POP. And in 1990, it was successfully used by physicians trans-vaginally. And in 1990, the implantation of the mesh through the vagina was practiced. There are approximately 250,000 cases of TVM procedures recorded as of today.
Despite the fact that TVM surgery was not properly tested, it was introduced to be practiced because it favorably alleviated the symptoms of POP and SUI at first, and non-mesh procedures were not effective in several cases.  On the other hand, TVM lawsuits are filed at an increasing rate in the United States as serious injuries have affected many recipients of the vaginal mesh recently.